American buffaloes in Kurozwęki
A very unique attraction of the Staszów region is the only Polish herd of American buffaloes, in Kurozwęki. Their breeding started in 2001, when the herd was brought over from Belgium to the palace complex in Kurozwęki by the palace's current owner, Jean Martin Popiel. Initially the herd was comprised of just 20 heifers and 2 bulls; currently there are more than 80 buffaloes in the herd, and their numbers are steadily growing. Each year newborn buffalo calves can be seen grazing at the meadows of the Kurozwęki palace complex. Tourists visiting Kurozwęki can watch the buffaloes from up close, during walks along designated paths or from the "Safari Bizon" car, which drives onto the meadows and moves among the herd. The Kurozwęki buffaloes are not only a hugely popular tourist attraction; they are also a source of tender, healthy meat, which can be sampled at the Palace's restaurant.