Ecological and natural values of our Municipality - a photo contest and an educational path
Co-financed by the Provincial Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund in Kielce
On August 3, 2016, the Municipality of Staszów has signed a grant agreement with the Provincial Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund in Kielce, in order to finance a project called: "Ecological and natural values of our Municipality - a photo contest and an educational path", which is a part of priority tasks: "Ecological education infrastructure development" and "Community activation towards a balanced development, promoting ecological awareness and the idea of a balanced growth". The task's total budget is 11,010 zł, including the grant of 6,753 zł.
The project's goal is to encourage people to familiarize themselves with the forests and lakes of Golejów (located near Staszów) through presenting their natural values, promoting interesting natural spots in the Municipality, to widen general public knowledge about the local wildlife, create pro-ecology attitudes, train the ability to observe nature, and to promote creativity among the youth.
A photo contest will be held, its main purpose: to motivate its contestants to widen their knowledge of ecology and environmental protection. This contest is meant for 4, 5, and 6-graders of elementary schools, and middle school students from the Municipality of Staszów. Each student that participates in this contest will prove that he or she is willing to actively support the local environmental protection, and gain knowledge about this topic. After all, there is nothing like a contest to truly bring out enthusiasm and creative energy among young people. On one hand, such contests encourage the participants to pay closer attention to important local issues; on the other hand, it provides an opportunity for being creative and trying to inspire environmental activities. The contest's winners will receive great prizes, including: cameras, tablets, sports camcorders, selfie sticks etc.
After the contest, the Municipality of Staszów will order 12 large, educational signs to be made, using the winners' photos, and adding environmental descriptions. Those signs will then be displayed at the center of Golejów, for everyone to see. Two bike parking spots will also be prepared. After familiarizing themselves with the educational signs, children will then take a specially prepared educational path through the woods of Golejów, to see the local wildlife with their own eyes.
Planned ecological goals:
- Raising the level of ecological awareness among children and the youth
- The project's participants will use their newly acquired ecological skills and knowledge in everyday life
- The ability to stay in the wilderness without disrupting its natural balance
- Expanding the adults' (including teachers) knowledge of ecology, environmental protection and natural preservation. Learning interesting and effective methods of educating about ecology
- Mobilizing local communities to pro-ecological activities