Staszów forests
The forests of Municipality of Staszów belong to Staszów Forestry Management, one of the largest forestry managements in Poland. It governs about 20 thousand hectares of woodlands, with a total governing range of 139 thousand hectares, confined within the boundaries of Świętokrzyskie Province.
Woods make up 36% of the Municipality's total area, with two main forest compounds: Golejów and Kurozwęki.
The forests of Staszów contain a large variety of species and their habitats. Most of the area's forests are deciduous or mixed. Predominant tree species are pine, beech, birch and hornbeam. There is also very rich shrubbery: hazel, hackberry, mountain ash, alder buckthorn and others are prevalent. Fir, oak and beech are unusually common in the forests of Staszów, in comparison to other regions. There are also numerous protected species of plants in our forests. Some interesting examples: cypripedium calceolus, dactylorhiza maculata (known as the heath spotted-orchid), platanthera bifolia (known as the lesser butterfly-orchid), listera ovata, gymnadenia odoratissima, galanthus nivalis (snowdrop), lilium martagon (martagon lily), adonis vernalis (yellow pheasant's eye), lycopodium clavatum (ground pine) and lycopodium annotinum (stiff clubmoss).