Municipal and Communal Office of Staszów
tel.: 15 864 83 05
fax: 15 864 83 04


A small village located 4 kilometers from Staszów. It was known as "Stefanów" during its early days. Mentioned as a town in the 1674 registry; Stefanówek was a property of Dębicki family and was called "Bugaj" at the time. In latter written sources, it is consistently stated as a village.

During the 1975-1998 period Stefanówek belonged to Tarnobrzeskie Province. Records from 1827 list 15 households and 104 residents.

By the end of 1999 Stefanówek had 194 inhabitants, in 2006 – 166 residents, in 2012 – 164 residents, and by the end of 2015 there were 164 people living there.

04-11-2016, Michał Mróz
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